Thursday, December 27, 2012

What is snow?

Sitting in my apartment, thanking the heat gods and the tea gods, I am being surrounded by a lot of white stuff. Are the clouds throwing up? Is the world ending?
No, no, no! It's snow!
This video shows how snowflakes are formed and how no two are ever the same! incredible!
Actually, the atmosphere has to have just the right stuff in it to form snow. If not, we could be getting a monsoon rainstorm, or orange-sized balls of hail. In between sounds just fine!

First Post!

Welcome to the first and official blog of me!
As uncomfortable as I may feel spilling my thoughts on the internet for everyone to read, (and apart that people have been doing it for decades) I will try to do my best! This January, i'm taking a course that requires me to discover the wonderful capabilities of having a blog. Thanks to my wonderful roommate Kasey, I will hopefully get a good one started! (filled with wonderful picture of the animals I love, like this one!! George, you're an old fat doggie but I love you)

Talk to you all soon

Me and George!